The Restored Church of God & David C. Pack EXPOSED

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David C. Pack Suing For Defamation and Libel*

June 2, 2022 | by Marc Cebrian

Move over Johnny and Amber.

It was inevitable. Dave Pack’s ears got too red one afternoon and he had to finally consult his legal counsel. Yes, he may have “big boy pants” but he also has the spare funds to hire a lawyer and sue an Ohio resident that has been causing him so much grief. Those excess AYC funds and widow’s mites are really going to come in handy now.

The continuous attacks on his character and prophetic teachings have been tolerated long enough. Taking a stand, he plans to discredit his most visceral critic publicly.

As part of the brief his team just filed in court, multiple published quotes were included as evidence to establish the seriousness of the allegations against the man who used to “obey the truth” as taught by him and by Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong. Page numbers are cited.

The man who wrote the following words should fear what David C. Pack will do to him now.

The Bible states that there are prophets, and that all of them fall into one of two categories—either true or false. All prophets—past, present or future—are one or the other. They cannot be both, and they cannot be in-between. (p. 15)

Many have supposed that one must actually declare himself to be a prophet in order to be a candidate for the role of false prophet. (p. 76)

If a prophet is sent by God, every one of his prophecies will always be PERFECTLY accurate—no exceptions! (p. 48)

Another characteristic of false prophets is that few or none of their prophecies ever really come to pass. (p. 47)


…they [false prophets] are often extremely prolific in claiming new revelations from God. True prophets always speak plain, simple truth, delivered without frills! Typically, false prophets claim that they are getting “more and more insight.” (p. 51)


Here is how these prophecy deceivers work their magic: Generally, through use of familiar prophecies, these unlearned and ungrounded self-appointed teachers believe themselves to have been selected by God to be His vessel for revealing “deeper” or “richer” or “fuller” prophetic insight to scattered brethren, hungering for answers… (p. 76)


There will almost certainly also be false “Elijahs.” Since many brethren no longer believe Mr. Armstrong was the final Elijah, they have set themselves up to be victims of men who may take this title. (p. 16)


These deceivers always seem to find new ways to elevate themselves to greater offices and roles! (p. 51)


The reader must see the tremendous difference between one who is truly GIVEN an office by Jesus Christ, and a man who is a presumptuous, self-promoting IMPOSTOR who sees one or more offices and titles that he desires, declares himself to have these offices and roles, and then sets out to prove to others that he does.

The critical element that separates those to whom Christ gives an office is HUMILITY. The man would have never thought of himself as holding a high office until long after he was already doing the job. (p. 54)


The apostle Peter plainly—ABSOLUTELY UNMISTAKABLY!—equates Jesus Christ with the Prophet of Deuteronomy 18:15! This is why Mr. Armstrong taught this truth as he did! There is no other possible way to read this passage—at least not for the honest mind. (p. 30)


…and leaves no doubt that Jesus Christ is That Prophet!…Could Mr. Armstrong be so confused that he did not know who would fulfill Deuteronomy 18:15:-22? Could he have somehow been deceived about a prophecy as important as the Coming of Christ and His bringing God’s government to earth? (p. 26)


We are now ready to ask a central—and most crucial—question. If the Laodiceans understand this much about Christ’s role when He returns—and they are called “BLIND” by Christ (Rev. 3:17)—then could the leader of the Philadelphian era have somehow remained ignorant—blind—for 52 years about who That Prophet was? It is utterly absurd to suggest that Mr. Armstrong did not understand this point. (p. 40)


The living Christ led His apostle from 1934 to 1986. Could anyone seriously believe that the living Christ was not competent enough or would neglect to reveal to Mr. Armstrong His (Christ’s own) role as That Prophet? Would Christ forget something so monumentally important?—or do we suppose that Mr. Armstrong was too dense to recognize such a vital doctrine?

Did Mr. Armstrong forget or did he somehow neglect to properly restore something so enormous, when he was prophesied to “restore all things”? Ridiculous! (p. 40)


So, there is only one conceivable way that any person alive today could claim to be “That Prophet”—he would eventually have to claim that his writings and “revelations” are to become part of Scripture! (p. 31)


There is no way to separate the doctrine of “That Prophet” from the man who claims to hold that office! (p. 18)


If someone claims to be That Prophet, but disconnects this office from Christ, this person is still a false Christ. Of course, he is deluded in his reasoning.
(p. 55)


If someone tries to convince you That Prophet is someone other than Christ, he is speaking directly contrary to “the Law,” which has always been far more than the Ten Commandments. (p. 43)


If someone claims to be not only a prophet but also to be “That Prophet,” he is both a liar and a blasphemer! (He makes himself God!) He may be “running,” but God has certainly not sent him! If he’s claiming titles belonging to the all-powerful living Jesus Christ, then he is no less than a BLASPHEMING IDOL, seeking to replace Christ with himself. (p. 32)


This account [Saul in 1 Samuel] proves that people can start out “little in their own eyes” and yet fall so far from God that they can actually become demon-possessed. (p. 45)


A demon spirit would love to be considered That Prophet—and would love to influence a human vessel to this end. Appropriating that title to itself, through a human agent, is very attractive to a demon—especially if it could gain control of many of God’s people in the process! (p. 56)


When one takes the title of That Prophet, he has even exceeded the evil that Moses warned against! (p. 65)


Such a one is an outright antichrist! This cannot be viewed any other way.
(p. 66)


History shows that when false leaders or false prophets appear, the majority of people—in the Church or the world-at-large—are perfectly willing to let them get away with their actions! (p. 16)


In summary, if one claims to be not only a true prophet, but also That Prophet then you are in the presence of a false prophet and a FALSE CHRIST! (p. 35)


If you are part of the organization following That Prophet, you are in the presence of a false, blasphemous human idol who seeks to “steal your crown” through directing your worship to himself. If this man tells you that he is trying to help you, then remember Satan told Eve that if she would do what he said, “Thou shalt not surely die.” I tell you, do not believe either your false leader, or me alone, believe your Bible and Mr. Armstrong! (p. 36)


Saul was vexed, and often outright possessed, by a demon. The unwitting and fearful…continued to follow him anyway simply because he was “the king”… (p. 46)


They want their followers to be afraid to talk to “outsiders.” These false leaders know that knowledge dispensed outside their control is a threat to their ability to retain control. (p. 56)


In the end, false teachers always have a money angle hidden in their “new teachings.” (p.41)


Is “That Prophet” Alive Today? – The Rise of False Prophets

David C. Pack - September 5, 2012 Edition

May God help the man who put those words to print and had the courage to attach his name so that it could be recorded for all time.

The Ohio State Irony Police are planning to raid that man’s house very soon. Well, if they can get past the front gate.

The court date for David C. Pack v David C. Pack is forthcoming.

Get your cameras ready.

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