David C. Pack’s Secret Passion EXPOSED

May 30, 2022 | by Marc Cebrian

It is hard to know what David C. Pack loves more than prophetic failure, since he has been doing it so well for so long. Starting in 2012, he has been proving to all the members of the Restored Church of God that he has no idea what he is talking about. Despite the hundreds of hours of “The Greatest Unending Story” series, Dave cannot seem to make any of his teachings have a shelf life beyond a loaf of bread. (Even bread laughs at your changes, Dave.)

His most recent failure was on May 15, 2022 when the Kingdom of Israel / Kingdom of God / Jesus Christ did not manifest. Reality can be a real bitch sometimes.

True to form, he immediately consulted the anvil that keeps falling out of the sky and landing on his head to give him a new idea: “Oops, I got the timing wrong. Again.”  His reasonings behind it certainly sounded like they came from someone who had a spiritual head injury.

Since the previously scheduled eclipse went right along as planned, Dave had to put on a sour face and assault his calendar again. May 30, 2022 is now the day. That is certain. Because…you know…the metrics, and all the “proofs,” and the yelling, and all the ministers agreeing. Could this finally be the sweet smell of success?

Dooh! Being far too predictable, Dave delivered an important 3-hours of “clarifying” on May 28th so that he could get in front of his own prophetic failure. It takes a very special mind to be able to find how much he is “right” in something he was wrong about.

Guess what, folks. Now, it’s Pentecost! (That’s Sunday, June 5th to all you unwashed.) The people of the Restored Church of God are caught in a loop, wandering in the biblical desert passing their old beer cans. This all should sound eerily familiar. The ghost of Holy Day’s past is coming to haunt you.

Until the people of the Restored Church of God sunder the chains, they will never escape. The sad thing is, they have the power to do it. The Board of Directors could vote David C. Pack out of his corporate position at the Restored Church of God, removing him as Pastor General. They could then kindly give him “as much time as he needs” to move off the campus. Question: Is there a quorum of spines here in Wadsworth?

People think he loves money the most, however, it seems clear from the historic evidence that David C. Pack loves (and is really in love with) prophetic failure.

Oh wait…I guess that wasn’t such a secret after all.

Part 253 - May 26, 2020
@ 1:54:28 Let me tell you what God would never do. He would never arrive on Pentecost. Never!


David C. Pack Suing For Defamation and Libel*


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