Failure 500

April 20, 2024 | by Marc Cebrian


If David C. Pack can be appreciated for anything, it is for his uncanny ability to completely fail at every turn at his most basic purpose. He is a consistently-documented failed apostle, failed prophet, and failed teacher. There appears to be nothing the Pastor General of The Restored Church of God cannot fail at openly and spectacularly.

The Kingdom of God did not arrive on Abib 1 (April 8, 2024) as he had been hammering for months.

David C. Pack rekindled his most recent Abib fetish during “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 487)” in December. At that time, Abib 1 in 2025 was the mistaken belief. He was so sure that he threw in a little blasphemy to prove his convictions.

Part 487 – December 23, 2023
@ 53:32 If the Day of the Lord comes on Abib, you’d have to have at least thirteen months in front of that. Or, you got lied to by God…

If Dave can do it once, he can do it twice.

@ 1:13:19 I’m just gonna tell you absolutely on God’s authority (I'll tell ya this much), and I'll tell you abso–I mean, just I I I will stand on this on this date: The Kingdom of God comes Abib 1 [2025].

Like all things David C. Pack, even after taking the Lord's name in vain, that did not last. Because Dave speaks on his own authori-tah and his god lies to him non-stop, a lack of sleep brought crystal clarity to the rushing know-it-all. The Big Deal Abib 1 came forward to 2024 during Part 491.

Part 491 – January 20, 2024
@ 1:38:38 But we now have a target date. So, lemme just explain. We’re looking at about, oh, 80-some days…whatever’s left from now till Abib 1.

It has been The Abib 1 Show since.

Part 492 – February 3, 2024
@ 29:33 This’ll tell you the Day of the Lord is absolutely Abib 1.

With Part 494, Dave graciously provided effective YouTube content.


Part 500 – March 23, 2024
@ 1:30:46 I believe Abib 1 to the same level I do the Sabbath, the Holy Days, tithing, unclean meats, or the very Gospel of the Kingdom of God or baptism by immersion or healing or the blessing of children. I put it right there.

Part 501 – March 30, 2024
@ 1:35:47 I can tell you that every space and every syllable in Daniel is unsealed, and you're supposta be at the time of the end. …I can you there’s nothing left to know.

@ 1:36:03 How could God wait another year? Daniel's not gonna grow more chapters or more spaces or more numbers. I know where they all fit, and so do you. And I know that they all fit off of an Abib 1. I can tell you that.

Even though Daniel was unsealed again and Abib 1 was compared to the Sabbath, Dave’s adamant beliefs did not survive the long journey to April 8.

Documented Failure Attempt #79 on the homepage was achieved when the Kingdom of God did not arrive on Abib 1. It was another notch on David C. Pack’s prophetic fraud belt with more holes than Swiss cheese. The man has made a career out of misunderstanding the Bible.

Before Abib 1 failed, everyone knew it was going to. I knew it. Dennis knew it. Gary knew it. Jessica knew it. Kevin knew it. Peter knew it. Every former Restored Church of God member knew it. Most current RCG members knew it. Believe me, Bradford Schleifer and Cardboard Denee knew it.

This time around, David C. Pack proudly knew it, too.

Pastor General David C. Pack of
The Restored Church of God
knew nothing would happen on Abib 1,
but withheld that from the church
until it was too late to matter.

He weaseled just in front of it to spare a bigger pie in his face during the next day’s total solar eclipse. This Pathetic Update slithered into email inboxes that Sunday evening.

April 7, 2024

Prophecy Update

Dear brethren,

We trust that this message finds you well!

The delay now appears it will be longer than we thought. Mr. Pack will explain it in great detail on Tuesday, April 9.

Be on the lookout for further communication tomorrow.

Enjoy the rest of the day!

Warm regards,
Church Administration

Even Jaco did not want to put his name on that one. Perhaps Salasi Jezhi drew the weekend short straw.

During “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 506)” on April 9, 2024, David C. Pack bragged about how he knew nothing was going to happen and spent the next 93 minutes selling the weakest excuses you can imagine while also planting the seeds for his annual “It has to be Passover!” delusion.


Part 506 – April 9, 2024
@ 05:36 Now, how did I know that Abib 1 was wrong?

@ 05:45 First of all, I didn't really discover it was wrong Saturday night and Sunday morning when I began to reinvestigate it. It wasn't the first time I had trouble. I wanna hold up a list of about 43 points I had developed, and it's “Uh, What If Uh April 8th Passes?” I had a lot of problems with Abib 1. This list was produced…it would've been nine days ago.

@ 06:43 But I still…had not reached a point where I was convicted about Abib 1, so I wanna read to you.

@ 07:15 Now, remember, I was learning at Mach 20, delivering three messages in 28 hours, and I wish I'd had one more day to sort it out.

@ 07:53 One thing remains troubling (and here's my notes) deeply so to me in light of this delay, and I didn't wanna say what it was, but I suspect I know its length. If we are here Tuesday afternoon (and we are), I know exactly why, and I'll explain what I know. I suspect we will be here. Now, I had that as my conclusion until about an hour before I spoke on the Sabbath. And it had some to do with this list of doubts I had and concerns I had. And so, it wasn't entirely a shock to me that some things settled into my mind starting Saturday night.

David C. Pack tells you everything you need to hear for you to know whether he speaks the truth or not. You can discern if God is guiding him. You can perceive if he is moved by the Holy Spirit.

Based on just the first 150 seconds of his Abib 1 rejection sermon, David C. Pack revealed himself as an awful human being. He is a hypocritical, blaspheming liar, a false apostle preaching antichrist doctrines to a spiritually bankrupt organization.

He openly admitted to the brethren of The Restored Church of Another god:

David C. Pack knew nine days in advance but spoke anyway.
David C. Pack had a secret list of 43 points but spoke anyway.
David C. Pack delivered Parts 502, 503, 504, and 505, knowing that.
David C. Pack still spoke for six hours, one minute, and 46 seconds knowing that.
David C. Pack was “troubled deeply” but said nothing to the brethren.
David C. Pack wrote a conclusion expressing his concerns but cut it at the last minute.
Coward David C. Pack hid behind a nameless CAD email to inform the brethren.

“The Greatest Unending Story!” is well into the 500s, and David C. Pack's failures will continue as they have.

Examining quotes from Parts 502-505 in this context will offer a unique perspective. Was the man simply mistaken, or is he a habitual liar? Was he trying to convince the brethren or convince himself?

Part 502 was already content-thin and a mostly skippable message. Fresh off his troubled discomfort, Dave avoided mentioning Abib 1 directly while still insisting time was short.

Part 502 – April 3, 2024
@ 00:18 More wonderful things keep coming to the front of the picture.

Wonderful things that would counterbalance the Abib 1 forty-three doubts.

@ 24:35 Jerusalem and Judah. Jerusalem and Judah. The trouble is there, which becomes an even more powerful proof there’s no way we’re going another year. It’s already over six months. You’re not gonna add twelve more.

@ 43:28 That’s why it to be so careful. And it’s this a just is just a challenge. And I’m not trying to make excuses, but I I, as I said, it's I I take great encouragement from what the prophets struggled with for longer than I have.

David C. Pack was trying to make excuses. He took great encouragement only to later admit how deeply troubled he actually was.

In Part 503, Dave made big promises for future messages, then focused on the completely pointless topics of the Bottomless Pit and identified the Two Witnesses as resurrected Haggai and Zechariah.

Nothing in this message helps a Christian spiritually improve to qualify to be part of the Kingdom of God. It was another example of David C. Pack wasting everyone's time teaching them what he thinks the Bible says today. Yet, still hiding his doubts of an Abib 1 fulfillment three days away.

Part 503 – April 5, 2024
@ 00:24 Per tomorrow, what if a proof so big and powerful existed that by itself locks in this year? Absolutely locks it in. While also revealing so much more than we we’ve ever saw. What if such a proof existed? I would have to give it its due diligence. Particularly, what if we've never seen or discussed it for one minute, and yet by itself, it's so big and powerful that it locks in it locks in completely this year?

The next big thing on the horizon is so impossible to dispute it cannot be argued against, and there is no way to deny the certainty of it.

David C. Pack has an awful habit of talking up the impenetrable nature of his next discovery, spending hours “proving it,” but later dismantling it in mere sentences.

During Part 503, Dave spent large portions preaching about his favorite topic: himself.

@ 54:38 In [Zechariah] Chapter 1:8, there are these four riders. One is Christ. One is Elijah. They’ve quieted the earth. …And I’ve explained in the past, this is Christ, Elijah, and two more, which, before the chapter is over, they’re called Four Carpenters.

@ 1:00:05 Ezra 5:1. Here’s what God says because, you know, Joshua builds the Temple as the Branch.

@ 1:05:33 Moses went to face Pharaoh and two others, three shepherds. He went with two prophets. One like him would go with two prophets, as well. Well, it not gonna be my brother and sister. I can tell ya that.

The voices in Dave's head are conflicted. He makes an accidental admission that is completely true but also soft-plants the idea that Abib 1 is not as solid as he has been preaching.

@ 1:11:04 So, if those [the Two Witnesses Haggai and Zechariah] iddn’t if that iddn’t true [chuckles] then, [chuckles] then I don't, and then I don’t know how to read the Bible. I wouldn’t know how to read the Bible.

@ 1:16:55 Now, regarding the message tomorrow, I wanna say it one last time. What if a proof so big and powerful existed that by itself locks in this year? You could take all the proofs we have of Abib and 2024, throw ‘em out the window and you’d be absolutely sure. And, as a bonus, it would reveal much more about God and His plan while also locking the year.

The brethren had to wait for Part 506 for their mistaken or lying Pastor General to “throw ‘em out the window.” But for the next few days, they were deceptively led to believe Dave was as convinced as they were.

Part 506 was an aggressive refutation of his own ideas and is worth listening to entirely. For those who would like to hear it, please write

During Parts 504 and 505 is where David C. Pack really showed his true colors. He knew he was deeply troubled, he knew the list of 43 items was left sitting on the table in the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium, and he knew “nothing was gonna happen” on Monday. Yet, he held his unease.

"The Greatest Failures Ever Told!" Series is well beyond 500 Parts, with more coming.

Is David C. Pack a mistaken idiot, or is he a habitual liar? Read the following article to find out.


Failure 500+


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