The Restored Church of God & David C. Pack EXPOSED

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An Open Letter to the RCG Ministry

Guest | September 26, 2022

The following was written by a Guest in the comments section of the website.

Dear "Brad, Ed, Jaco, Ryan, Ken, Tim, Carl, Andrew, Jim, Salasi, Frank, Mike, and Raymond,"

I'll address this to the Wadsworth Collective, but it's for the one who grew up in the Philadelphia Church of God.

The move from PCG and its sphere of splinters to the Restored Church of God truly was a step forward in your spiritual life. I have no doubt that God guided you in that. But we both know that spiritual growth within RCG has been stagnate these many years. We must endure to the end (which wasn't today apparently), and you know that you can't stay in Restored. So what are you going to do?

Reflect upon why you left Fluffy in the first place. Did he take a number of Biblical/historical/divine titles to himself? Did you think that he was effectively teaching the gospel? Was there spiritual growth in your own personal life, and in the lives of those that you were close with? Did his prophetic teachings make sense to you? Could you effectively explain them to others (could you effectively explain Mr. Pack's prophecy doctrines/timeline in your role as a minister?). How did Mr. Pack's book on "That Prophet" help you in coming out of PCG? Well, at least Mr. Pack has never claimed to be That Prophet, I'll give him that...... ;) (sarcasm alert)

You're about to go and keep the Feast of Tabernacles. I truly hope that you have a special time there. Take the time to go out with a group of people for dinner, and do so several times. I know that you will look out for the widow, orphan, and poor among the brethren because that is the type of person that you are. Realize that most people can be a little awkward and shy around ministers from HQers, but you are a sincere and humble person in my estimate. Softly "push"/guide others to talk about the sermons that they've been hearing during the Feast. No doubt Mr. Pack will continue the prophecy series on a daily basis, rushing to call out the final message several times. Get those people to talk about the prophecy sermon, and analyze what you hear. Listen to them, don't dominate the conversation. Listen to them, listen to what you hear, and what you DO NOT hear. Many will not say a word, or will make comments like "wow," or will do their best to dodge the subject. Those people mostly will jump at the opportunity to change the subject, or the chance to let a "talker" take over. People no longer talk about the Millennium during the lunch hour. It was not so when we were younger and breaking bread at the Feast!

Then listen to those who are eager to talk about prophecy. Can they correctly summarize what Mr. Pack is currently teaching (i.e. within the last few hours, not an outdated sermon from yesterday)? Or does it come across as a mangled mess of prophetic teaching, one that painfully demonstrates confusion? As people are talking look into their eyes; also take time to observed the eyes of those who are not talking. Be polite and encouraging the whole time, but notice the eyes of the others. How many are confused, bewildered, zoned out, or sad? And for those who truly are excited by Mr. Pack's latest prophecy, do they strike you as balanced people? I'm not asking you to do this as some kind of judgmental jerk, but as one who truly cares for the people of God. Know the state of your flock. Listen to what is being said, and not said.

Other points to analyze while listening to people:

-Were they baptized after the prophetic nonsense started? What is their depth of understanding, application of God's way, and spiritual maturity? How confused are they, specifically? Because yes, those are the people who sadly have not been fed the basics.

-Are they old WCGers? How comfortable are they with series? And did they strive all these years to stay close to God by constantly trying to find the "correct" splinter group? Or did they just stay home for these past 30 years? I've noticed some interesting trends there.

I do not envy you your position. Of all the ministers at HQers, you perhaps have the most to lose by doing the right thing. Are you going to be a shepherd who lays down his life for the flock? Will you stand in the gap in order to defend the truth, not only for your own spiritual state before God, but for the sake of others? Redeem the time, old friend. Are you willing to lose your life in order to gain it? Or in order to help someone else who is spiritually dying?

Take the time to analyze yourself. What did you discern in Flurry's voice those many years ago that helped you to see that he was a false prophet? Do you hear the same "voice" from behind the pulpit in Restored? (Or multiple voices? - there's way too many doctrinal storylines going on at the same time in Wadsworth. Good thing Marc has the gift of discerning prophetic gobbledegook). What's disturbing you about being in Restored?

You're in my prayers. Seriously.

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