The Restored Church of God & David C. Pack EXPOSED

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David C. Pack Goes Trolling

July 17, 2022 | by Marc Cebrian

Oops. It is not Tammuz after all. Av 1 is actually the new big deal.

Now I think David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God is just trolling everyone.

He ruined yet another Sabbath for the folks at RCG here in Wadsworth, Ohio yesterday when he delivered “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 382).” Oh, remember the days of a two-hour service? Enjoying a relaxing meal and fellowship to then to go home with your family before sunset…how they must long for that.

Instead, it was a mad rush.

Rush to flip the room for the meal. Rush the ladies in the kitchen. Rush people through the food line. Rush people to finish eating. Rush the ladies to clean up the kitchen. Rush the teens to clean off the tables. Rush people out of the Main Hall so they can flip the room back for the Bible study. Rush to vacuum the piles of crumbs off the floor. Rush people back into their seats. Rush Dave to the table to start on time—no no no. That’s not right. Nobody rushes Dave.

The brethren are rushed through a frantic process to get them into the chairs on time. Why? So they can sit and wait. And sit and wait. And sit. And wait.

Sometimes the wait is only 10 minutes. Other times, it is 30 minutes. Sometimes more. What are they waiting for? The mighty apostle himself, Mr. David C. Pack, to grace them with his presence and constant throat clearing.

For years, I sat at the back of the hall at the sound and media station. I monitored the security feed of the third floor hallway alongside the Sound Lead and his wife. Want to see rabbits scurry? Watch that camera for an uncomfortable chuckle. We saw it so regularly, we even started joking about it. And this man was a minister. He and his wife left earlier this year. What a group of rebellious sinners we were.

The “lady assistant” would rush to the elevator button to raise it to the third floor…only to let the doors close. Pepper Boy would rush to the printer. The Coffee Kid would rush to the bathroom. (Too much coffee?) The elevator door would open and then close. The button-pushing process would repeat over and over and over again. It was both sad and comical.

Meanwhile, about 80 to 90 people are sitting in an over-chilled room…waiting. They shoveled their meals and skipped meaningful fellowship to now just sit in their chairs and wait.

This scenario was common practice on the Sabbath when Dave held court after the meal. Everyone at Headquarters knows what I just described is true and spot-on.

Dave set two dates during his landmark (heh heh) message yesterday.

Av 1 is The Day of the Lord, which begins after sunset on July 28, 2022. However, 10 days before that in Jerusalem is midday tomorrow.

Sunset tomorrow in Jerusalem is 7:45pm. Jerusalem is +7 hours ahead of Eastern Time, which means 12:45pm in Wadsworth on Monday, July 18th.

Set your phone alarm now to give you a 10-minute warning before nothing is going to happen.

With the Tammuz Cooking Table back on display, Dave was able to hold a straight face for 78-minutes explaining how correct he was even though Tammuz 15 (last Wednesday night) came and went without so much as his car alarm going off.

@ 00:18 You have the picture. But, a short message and one that is truly eye opening is necessary. I spoke to all the ministers about what we’ll cover tonight and they know that we’re still right on time. I understand it’s the evening of July 16th and I still believe that the Day of the Lord is the night of July 28th.

Oh, come on. “Right on time” would have been last Wednesday night. Or July 3rd. Or Pentecost. Or May 30th. Or May 15th. Or the Days of Passover. Or any other time since Elul of 2013.

@ 01:55 I still believe all those things. Nothing’s changed. In fact, I have even a little bit of additional proof, fascinating things that we’ll cover real quickly that solidify that. Think of more proof of when everything starts.

You mean “more proof” supporting the stuff that already failed?

At that exact moment, no one in the audience rose from their chair and walked out.

My sympathy for those who choose to remain inside RCG is beginning to wane. Some are legitimately “trapped” there, but most are not. Everyone “gets what they deserve” until they leave. That certainly applies to me. I got what I deserved until March of 2021. Here we are in July of 2022 and the crazy train is still rolling on down the track with no sign or hint from David C. Pack that he will ever slow down on this or repent.

@ 09:34 I wanna illustrate some fascinating things and I’m gonna tell you why I still believe that Jesus Christ may just be, in essence, hours away. Not exactly hours, I’ll come and clarify that. But you can’t change, brethren, you cannot change you cannot change July 28th. The night of July 28th [Jerusalem time] which would be midday on Wednesday in about eleven and a half days from now.

This was the Av 1 and then July 18th dates mentioned earlier.

@ 16:17 Now we’re gonna go over and look at an almost unbelievable mistranslation [in Ezekiel 7]…you’re almost not gonna believe the translators could’ve been so terribly wrong and how it affected my ability to figure out how the Day of the Lord comes.

@ 20:37 For the longest time, I could not figure it out. And it has to do with a spectacular mistranslation. And it it also is gonna bleed in to helping you understand why we’re still right on track.

This is standard procedure for Dave. Blame the translators and then cherry-pick a meaning that fits his new angle. He buys himself more time and then moves on.

Morning does not mean “morning,” it means “crown” which is actually the Father.

Look up Isaiah 28:5, Ezekiel 7:7 and 7:10.  That is part of the big news of this message.

In order for this new fraud to work, Dave has to use a previous fraudulent teaching that the Lord of Hosts is the Father and NOT the Being which became Jesus Christ. That is the only way he can get this new theory to work.

All of this “the Father is the Lord of Hosts” talk reminds of when I knew I had to leave RCG. Dave started messing around with God. He perverted the roles of the Father and Jesus Christ and also where they appear in the Bible. It was extremely disturbing to hear. Talk about squirming in your chair.

And then Ed Winkfield re-vomits the same filth on us in a concentrated dose during his sermon, “Seeing the Father.” I knew at that point I had to get out of Dodge. Thanks, Ed. You were the clincher for me. It was at that point that I began to formulate my exit plan. Right after that message.

So, in Ezekiel 7, “morning” really means “crown” which really means the Father has already come by the time these verses fit. The timeline can now shift.

@ 28:56 …because God had to hide this. And I even think He used some of these enormous mistranslations to hide His purpose so the Mystery of God would never be fully, completely understood ‘til the very dead end before He was going to employ it.

@ 34:34 …if we could prove that, then we’d all say we’re still right on time. That’s what we’d say. My job is to is to try to remove the last Mystery in the last message. Because everybody has to admit we’re very close to out of time.

You are close to out of time.

It was at this point Dave was re-defining and re-translating what the 1335 in Daniel 12 actually means. Couple that with the word switcheroo in Ezekiel 7, surely this audience was fully on-board and able to “prove” all that he was shoveled in their direction.

@ 41:25 So, let’s clear up the Mystery. And let’s all go home really excited.

More excited than on last Wednesday night? Or July 3rd? Or Pentecost? Or May 30th? Or May 15th? Or the Days of Passover? Or any other time since Elul of 2013?

If anyone inside The Restored Church of God still gets excited after hearing this message, they are lost. Lost beyond all hope. Lost beyond reality. Just…lost.

Dave admitted where he was wrong and that he made errors. Fair enough. He also clued everyone in on when and how he begins to realize his mistakes.

@ 49:41 In His love, God always shows me before the deadline passes...

Did you catch that? Dave knows BEFORE the deadline passes that he is wrong, not AFTER like the rest of the church. Oh, you trusting dopes, you.

@ 50:06 I went home and I’ve learned that when I’m unsettled, when the Comforter in me is very uncomfortable, I’m about to learn something. It’s happened over and over in my life and in this series, now over 80 months.

Which means Dave is “unsettled” a lot. A whole lot. Often. Frequently. You know, every time he sets a date. Dave is telling those with ears to hear everything they need to know about whether God is using him or not.

@ 50:27 So, I knew I was gonna see something. I walked into Mr. Schleifer on Thursday night and I said, “Brad, I got a question for you.” And I just said, “What happens if we’re here tomorrow? What would you say?”

Oh, to be a fly on the wall inside Brad’s mind at that moment. Did he flash a quick smile? How long was the pause while he calculated his response? He was probably thinking what you and I would, “Duh, Dave. I didn’t even cancel my barber appointment.”

There is no point in quoting the rest of the story because it meandered and then lacked a punch line. He did not tell us what Brad said, nor what The Coffee Kid and Pepper Boy later thought. To Dave, the viewpoint of others is not worth mentioning…even in his own story.

@ 1:00:12 Here’s some concluding thoughts.

There must have been a sigh of relief in the room, but not so fast. Dave continued to blather for an additional 18 minutes.

@ 1:00:22 Now imagine God, at the very last minute, teaching us what I just explained to you because you can’t do away with the math, letting us believe we had made it and we still had one or more years to go. That would be devastating. That would be soul crushing to the church. 382 sermons is enough.

I agree. The folks from 2021 just called and they want their lives back. But not before you atone for the people in 2020. And then you have folks from 2019 with their hands out. But none of those take precedence over the 2018 members who look over the shoulder of the ones in front of them from 2017 who have their eyes out for the 2016 people, hoping they don’t skip the line ahead of the 2015 brethren. The 2014 individuals know that they just need to be patient and wait for those at the head of the line…the folks from Elul 2013 who go first.

There already exists nine-years-worth of people waiting “until next year” to get their devastation. 2022 is the new kid on the block. Wait until 2023 because that annual soul crushing is coming right at you. Like clockwork.

Now that Dave locked up all the details up so tight, nobody could doubt how true he really is. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut…

@ 1:00:53 There is but one thing that could alter and supplant the picture we now have. This is gonna be mostly rhetorical. Follow me.

Remember Columbo? “Thank you for your time, sir. But there’s just one more thing…”

Dave cannot help but leave breadcrumbs that eventually lead to the “Get-Out-Of-A-False-Prophecy-Date-FREE” card.

He went on to play the “if it is not this year, then…” game for 7 more minutes. Yawn.

The only summary I can give you is to shake my head and shrug. Whatever.

Av 1 is going to come and go. Dave is going to live perpetually “uncomfortable” but will always find a way to set a new date while blaming translators or God. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

Dave then ponders, “Would God…?” for 57-seconds. It is worth a listen. Hear it first, and then continue.

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Part 382 - Would God... David C. Pack - The Restored Church of God

Dave, according to you…He has been doing just that. Since 2013. Out of your own mouth and from your own lips you have said it. That is the version of God you have been presenting this whole time. Since before this unending series began.

David C. Pack tells anyone who will listen exactly what they need to know to determine if he is a true servant of God or not. Just listen to the man.

@ 1:13:10 There’s nothing else to tell you. I can’t come back with different math. I can’t come back and weave in with different math for next year. I have no idea how we could even go one year, never mind could anybody believe seven.

I have an idea. But as Bugs Bunny would say, “I don’t think you want it…”

@ 1:18:07 The Mystery is resolved. And I will end as I started. I believe we are right on track.

Okay. He really IS trolling now.

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