Stone-Cold Math

January 23, 2023 | by Marc Cebrian


Correction: The 45-day Kingdom of God begins this week THEN the 10-day Great Tribulation follows. Not the other way around. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Monday, January 23 @ 10:04 AM ET

David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God is eroding.

  Some may consider that an empty attack or a snide criticism far from the truth. No. That is a fair and verifiable statement based on close observation across time.

  “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 416)” given on January 21, 2023, is the most nonsensical and difficult-to-follow message David C. Pack has ever given. It would be no surprise to hear if Dave had to leave The Restored Church of God abruptly to enter a “facility” to help him “rest.”

  There would be no rejoicing in that. At least the man would finally be getting the help he needed.

  Part 416 is entirely a biblical sandcastle built upon the seashore of madness. The deterioration of these teachings will be rapid and severe. That is not an opinion, as 33.333% of that has already passed from theoretical into reality.

  If you think you have heard the worst of it, think again.

  Set aside the next possibilities for the Kingdom of God for a moment.

Tuesday, January 24 @ 10:05 AM ET
Wednesday, January 25 @ 10:06 AM ET

  As one man noted in the comments section: The Present Truth really took a beating with this one.

When I lived in the Bay Area of Northern California, I traveled through downtown San Francisco to get to work. There was a relatively high population of homeless spread throughout the city. Every once in a while, I would be near a muttering homeless person, and I paused to see if I could make sense of what they were talking about.

  That is David C. Pack. He is that homeless person talking to a box in the alley, making no sense no matter how hard you try. While writing this article, I fell into the rabbit hole, struggling to find concise quotes that convey the WHAT and HOW of his new teachings.

  I admit I have failed in this endeavor. The task is a fool's errand. Like with the homeless person, you cannot make sense out of what does not make sense. Considering this will be a wash inside the next three days anyhow, I have chosen to stop banging my head against Dave's words.

  Instead, I can offer glimpses of ramblings with my best interpretation while providing some context.

@ 20:05 Now, there’s some stunning math ahead.

  That does not sound good. When Dave blends the Bible with math, it blows up in his face like baking soda and vinegar. That type of activity should be left to fifth graders.

  Math is one avenue toward new understanding. The other is by pitting the Bible against itself. As all great men of God have done throughout history.

@ 24:47 Now, I’m almost, in a way, trembling with excitement over a discovery. Some things have bothered me terribly. First of all, you start with the fact that every word of God is true.

@ 25:10 God says don’t add to them lest God call you a liar. Reprove you and you’re called a liar. You can’t change ‘em. You can learn about a mistranslation.

  Dave does this all day long. He mistranslates a perceived mistranslation, and eventually, it turns out they had it right after all. Remember when “seven” in Leviticus 26 meant “a week” for about a week? Or when “if” meant “lo” in Zechariah 3?

He must not realize that every time he inserts “Elijah” throughout the Bible, he is “adding to” God’s word.

@ 26:12 Why does the Bible say that the sacrifices are stopped at 1290 days to go in Daniel 12:11? And almost exactly three chapters earlier, at the end of chapter 9, the 7-year Kingdom is described as the sacrifices stop dead in the middle?

@ 27:33 I’m gonna be blunt. The Bible is lying in Daniel 9 [:27], or it's lying in Daniel 12 [:11]. Or you could say one of them is false. The other one is true. In which case, if one can be false, why couldn't both be false, and why wouldn't the Bible be false?...God carefully says in one place, I’m gonna split this thing exactly down the middle. And over here, it looks like it says there's 1230 days of the Kingdom of God and now, 1290 with no sacrifices. Do we have to choose?

@ 29:43 Or are they both true? And when correctly understood with what I’m gonna call "stone-cold math," we may know exactly where we are in a few minutes.

  Dave goes on and on and on to basically say both verses are true but are referring to separate instances seven years apart. Someone out there might remember if we knew this already or not.

  Math is a field of science that is typically associated with perfect exactness. But not when David C. Pack uses it. Math becomes amorphous, ever-changing, and subject to an opinion that can be altered by sheer desire. Just like when 40-40 of Part 414 became 41-40 or 40-41 during Part 416.

David C. Pack: Mathlete For the Ages

Part 391 – September 3, 2022
@ 42:00 We’re gonna bring prophecy and history and math together.

Part 386 – August 2, 2022
@ 1:10:22 On God's authority, that is not wrong. Or math is wrong.

Part 405 – November 16, 2022
@ 1:34:37 Now, if it is not this Sabbath…I don’t understand the math.

  Derp derp.

  Biblical math. Prophetic math. Interesting math. Powerful math. Inarguable math. The math suggests. The math reveals. It’s just math.

  “…we gotta fix some math.”  “…the Mystery of God revealed in math.”

  “…math was forced upon us…” “…if I did the math right.”

  Now we can add "stone-cold math" to the growing labels of Dave's theoretical prophetic repertoire.

  Exact sciences are not in Dave’s wheelhouse.

  In the interest of saving you some aspirin, Dave's stone-cold math calculates the difference between Daniel's 1335 and the 1290, which reveals a 45-day Kingdom of God. There is an unknown period of fleeing from Jerusalem when the Abomination is set up, followed by 10 days of The Great Tribulation. This ends on Abib 1 (March 22), which begins the 10-day Day of the Lord. THIS YEAR.

Part 416 – January 21, 2023
@ 42:58 …it’s 55 plus X plus 10. Abib 1 iddn’t gonna move. 55 plus X plus 10.

  With March 22 as the anchor point, count back 55-ish days, and you arrive at this week-ish. Hence, the range of possible starting times for the 45-day Kingdom of God. This morning was the first of three blown chances.

  Whether the math is genuinely stone-cold or just soft-serve will be determined before Thursday night.

@ 48:11 …because I just don't know the day. But it will surely come. Because the Kingdom may actually be longer than 45 days. It could be 46-7-8 or 9 days. It just can't be more than that.

  Just snap your pencils at this point.

“The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 416)” is a different animal.

  For those who possess a morbid desire for mental self-mutilation, download this entire message and assault your brain. If I had the money, I would offer a $100 challenge to anyone who can listen to these 62 minutes once and understand what he is saying.

  Those imaginary funds would remain on the counter unclaimed.

  Figuring out the root problem is the real pickle here. Why is this message more confusing than all the others? Perhaps there is too much lead in my drinking water, or my ducts have mold.

  Or, perhaps, I have a profound spiritual problem.

  "None of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand." I regularly ponder that verse in Daniel 12. I consider that if I am in that wicked category, then that is why I struggle with comprehending Part 416.

  Is Dave fulfilling prophecy by unsealing Daniel, and God is not allowing me to understand it?

  Part 416 is a uniquely catastrophic mind-bender. I had to listen to certain portions this morning a THIRD time to grasp what he was saying, and I realized he speaks the opposite of plainly.

  I would be deeply concerned about being wicked if it were not for the All-Believing Zealots inside RCG who are also struggling to decipher Dave. Some very smart people are left confused and unsure.

  I know Dave is a biblical sorcerer and prophetic charlatan. They know he’s God’s apostle revealing the Mystery of God. We are on opposite sides of the reality fence.

  But both sides agree that Part 416 is baffling. What does that say?

  Either the All-Believing Zealots are just as wicked as I am, or Dave is a fraud so terrible at what he does that EVEN the All-Believing Zealots cannot follow along.

  The group on one side of that reality fence will be reconsidering their understanding come Friday morning. And I know that will not be me.

Perhaps some think I am over-selling what a head-scratcher Part 416 is.

  Here is one last glimpse at the stone-cold math topic before we all have to detox.

@ 35:48 Now, let's return to the drawing board and see if some stone-cold math resolves everything. I long suspected it would…


@ 38:03 Now, it has to be exactly 45 days…So, lemme just tell you what that is because we’re gonna hafta modify it. That would be the start of Thursday night in Jerusalem this week if you just added 10 to it. Now, exactly 45 days, this is the interesting thing, and I never saw it this way, the sacrifices stop, bang, at the end of 45 days. Not 45.1 or 44.8. They start and end exactly when even time 10 days later is. 10 or more days later at Abib 1. So, if we’re gonna create a backdrop, this is not complicated, you've got exactly 55 days made up of exactly 45, and then we learned from Revelation 2:10 there're exactly 10 days of Tribulation. You know you have 55 days. Got it? 55. You know that. And we’re down to about 59 days to go. We’re about to hit Shevat in Jerusalem in the morning. So, we’re looking at three exact sundowns.

 @ 41:37 So, if I’m reading this correctly [Matthew 24:15-20], I don’t see any way you can even get to Thursday morning our time. It's stone-cold math.


@ 44:51 The 10 days begins on a Sunday night, and it's over on the next Wednesday night. That's the Day of the Lord. So, flight minimum would have to be one day before because the sacrifices are gonna be stopped at exactly a sundown. Just like 45 days before were exactly a sundown.

  As evidenced by the timestamps, explaining these “not complicated” points take a very long time. The five-minute clip is only a portion of the teaching, but if you can imagine 57 minutes more, you can grasp what Part 416 is like.

  Historically, the math never pans out for Dave. The theories collapse. The dates fail. The scriptures fade. The teachings reverse. The words evolve. The understanding rolls on and on and on into the vanishing point.

  There is no indication this will stop anytime soon.

One small shining light in this mess is that Part 416 is the conclusion. Right?

@ 23:30 I can tell you, I’m about out of material. I do not plan another message beyond tonight. There's nothing that I can find, down to scraps of leaves, maybe that even as big as learning sackcloth is really mohair. I mean, there nothing at all big like learning Captain of the Host is not The Lord of Hosts.

@ 24:28 Because I’m telling you, after seven years and over two more months, the well is dry. The little teeny things I could tell you are inconsequential. They are not really eliminating the Mystery of God in any significant way.

  Not so fast. RCG issued this update later that night:

January 21, 2023

Dear brethren,

As announced, Mr. Pack gave a live Bible Study, The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 416), this evening.

There were a few points in Mr. Pack’s notes he intended to include in his message today. If we have time, these will be sent separately Monday evening after all would have had an opportunity to listen to the message.

For those unable to join live, this message has now been posted in Member Services.

Warm regards,

Warm regards,

Church Administration

  Depending on how many holes were in Dave’s notes, this could explain the struggle to follow him.

  “If we have time” is a funny phrase. There will be plenty of time to keep adding more clarifications. I suspect we will receive a few throughout the week, especially when tomorrow morning also fails.

  Part 417 is on the horizon. And it will not take 12 minutes of stone-cold math to prove it.


Miss Translation

