The Restored Church of God & David C. Pack EXPOSED

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La Petite Mort

December 7, 2022 | by Marc Cebrian

David C. Pack, the Pastor General of The Restored Church of God, was born on December 7, 1948. His birthday is today as he turns 74. For someone who teaches that celebrating a birthday is evil, he has sure mentioned it enough during his sermons that even I remembered it.

The birthday present he was hoping for (despite saying he did not want it) was that God was going to give him an utterance like John the Baptist, raise him as Elijah the Prophet, and send him to Jerusalem, where he would begin to speak to the world as a herald for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

As it turns out…not so much.

He spent 66 minutes preaching about himself during “The Greatest Unending Story (Part 408)” on December 3, 2022. What his role is. What God would do with him. Where he is in the Bible. But he also gave a timetable for when this will all go down.

@ 1:05:28 There are days of this man’s voice. This period, if it is this week, and I’m understanding it correctly, the latest it could begin would be Wednesday morning.

The exact time of 9:35 AM ET is based on sunset in Jerusalem, which is two days before the beginning of Kislev 16 this Friday. If that sounds complicated, it is. One of the significant challenges of my life has been to explain Dave's thinking in a way that is easy-to-follow and remotely understandable. Greater men than me have tried and failed.

Introduced for the first time four days ago, the public failure of Dave’s latest teaching could have been avoided if he had the self-control to shut his mouth and let God reveal the truth to the church. But, no. Dave, the Coffee Kid, and Pepper Boy "saw something" in the scriptures, and he had to rush to call it out without knowing what he was talking about.

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

He has a pathetic need to be the winner and to be right at all costs. He cannot allow God to do something only he knows about because his desire to claim the glory exposes deep-rooted insecurity, which has proven more challenging to mask as time goes on.

What is the point of winning a race if nobody knows you did?

@ 37:21 A picture’s gonna grow and grow and grow and grow and become what I’m pretty sure is impossible to misunderstand.

And yet, David C. Pack did misunderstand. When a human being tells you over and over how “easy” something is and still gets it wrong, that should be a warning sign to a rational mind. Staying inside The Restored Church of God despite nine years of documented failures is not rational.

The people inside RCG feel trapped because they do not know where else to go. When the building is on fire, maybe do not worry about what is on the other side of the window at the moment. Just get out.

La petite mort is French for “the little death.” Each time David C. Pack fails in front of the entire membership of The Restored Church of God, he dies inside a little bit. His mind and his heart have been dying in little bits over the past seven years. His deterioration is becoming more apparent, and the indications of his condition are harder to hide.

Hamburger goes bad when it turns gray. Once it stinks, it has to be taken to the dumpster. The teachings of David C. Pack need to be taken to the dumpster.

The Restored Church of God is spiritually rotting like spoiled meat. The stench fills the Hall of Administration with the most pungent concentration coming from the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium. The source of the stomach-turning reek is David C. Pack, assisted by two unwitting, inexperienced accomplices: James E. Habboush and Andrew J. Holcombe. The Packian Triad of Fraud.

To eat their spiritual meat is to make yourself ill. The spiritual food of The Restored Church of God is poison, causing la petite mort for the brethren. They know something is wrong but do not know what to do about it. If it were physical meat, the stench would tell them not to put it in their mouths. But since they are so used to it, the taste does not bother some anymore.

Stomach cramps and vomiting are just part of the Christian Walk now. They accept that a god tests them to see how much suffering they are willing to endure. The god Dave teaches is continually tricking them, but this is a trial of faith, so they must endure.

Just like the abused spouse determined to see how many beatings they can survive. The one they cannot comes too late to get away from.

The hireling enablers have embraced la petite mort by accepting willful blindness to the wickedness perpetrated by their human idol. What has died is their integrity. Even the iron that seared their consciences has grown cold. Just as brotherly love and godly love have waxed cold.

David C. Pack experiences la petite mort when he fails prophetically like he did this morning. He will fail again in a more grand way this Friday, December 9, at 9:35 AM ET when Kislev 16 begins, but the 1335 of Daniel 12:12 does not. Salvation is not coming for those of The Restored Church of God on December 24 at sunset. It will be a Christmas to remember, but not the way Dave teaches.

@ 43:51 And frankly, based on all I’m gonna tell ya, I hope I’m wrong.

@ 1:04:01 I’ve never preached a sermon in my life with so many facts where I hoped every one of them is wrong.

@ 1:42:17 I hope I misread every verse and none of it happens…I hope everything here has another explanation.

Maybe Dave got his birthday wish after all.

The notes for Part 408 could have been left in his briefcase, and he would have been better off. Even Brad would have said, “Exercising wisdom was a good call, Mr. Pack. That would have been really embarrassing.”

Happy Birthday, Dave. Way to keep mucking things up.

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