The Restored Church of God & David C. Pack EXPOSED

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Enabler-in-Chief (Part 7) “Meat Puppet”

October 30, 2022 | by Marc Cebrian

It looks like somebody finally lost the coin toss at the back of the hall at The Restored Church of God during Sabbath Services yesterday. On October 29, 2022, James E. Habboush gave a sermon to the Headquarters congregation and injected some paltry comments to further confuse the brethren.

Standards are really slipping in RCG these days. When Andy “Meat Shield” Holcombe stammered his way through “Special Comments” three weeks ago, I thought the new bar was so low that nobody could limbo under that. Turns out, James “Coffee Kid” Habboush took a shot at it. And lower it, he did.

The people in the room were told "they made it" on the First Day of the Feast of Tabernacles. Then they were told one week ago that they would receive SALVATION at 10:56 AM on Tuesday morning, October 25. With that backdrop, decide how "helpful" his words are.

Nothing is comforting, inspiring, or valuable within these 44-seconds. Or am I just being a biased wicked antichrist serpent?

Even though they do not bother editing their "rushing" messages anymore, they must have upped the special effects budget. You cannot see the strings held by David C. Pack behind the curtain. It may be the Coffee Kid's voice, but it was Desperate Dave's words.

Andy can play the violin, but the false apostle Pester General plays people. One hand holding the strings with the other inserted into Jim's head, making his mouth move.

No longer just a Coffee Kid, James E. Habboush has been ordained Meat Puppet. To his shame.

Were the “ministers” expecting smiles and electrified excitement over these insulting words? Oh boy, Jesus Christ is coming back…at some point…maybe after Halloween…maybe by the middle of the month…or something.

If anything, these “Silly Comments” create more questions without providing any answers. This is the empty, hollow “appearance of comfort” that the enabling hirelings at Headquarters provide the sheep of The Restored Church of God. Clouds without water, indeed.

Meat Puppet misread Romans 13:11 because in RCG, “…for now is our salvation further than when we believed.” They believed in Sivan. And Tammuz. And Av. And Elul. And Tishrei. And during the Feast of Tabernacles. And the Tuesday after The Last Great Day. And then on October 25 at 10:56 am.

When I read 2 Peter 2:19, it brings me to tears. Oh, how the word of God stands true and firm and bright while exposing what RCG has become.

I knew Meat Puppet pretty well. We served alongside each other for years at Headquarters before he became a "mister." Something else of note about James "Meat Puppet" Habboush: He was the first person at Headquarters to rat me out to the ministry back in December 2012.

I had been in Wadsworth for two weeks. A group of us went to breakfast on Sunday morning. Coming fresh out of the United Church of God, I asked, “Who is going to give the blessing over the meal?”

Jim explained they don’t do that in RCG. I said, “That’s weird. What is wrong with giving thanks to God?”

"We do that silently to not make a show of it.”

“How is that ‘letting your light shine?’ We aren’t standing on the street corner with a trumpet.”

"You should talk to the ministry about that."

“I will.”

By the time I went to the Headquarters Pastor on Tuesday, he was already aware. "So, I heard there was a kerfuffle at the restaurant this weekend.”

Meat Puppet did not let me go to the minister on my own like I said I would. Instead, he needed to ensure I was turned in as soon as possible. No wonder they made him a “minister.” That was my “Welcome to Headquarters” moment. My second week there.

Just before I left RCG, he was the same guy who poked his head into a closed office and shushed Carl and me because we were laughing too loud behind closed doors. Laughing is not tolerated on the third floor when God’s Apostle is present. The metal strings were already well-attached by then.

“And before we break. This will be cut off from the end of the recording.
I just want to stress what I said earlier in the message.”

Stand by. What you are about to hear is so wonderfully important, he needs to repeat it so that the entire church can listen to these words of inspiration right away.

“We shouldn’t be surprised if we’re here next week.
We even could reach the middle of the month.”

Very few inside RCG are going to be surprised. The babblings of a false prophet have no value to anyone outside the inner circle and a few broken drones.

As a non-prophet/non-psychic, I predict we WILL reach the middle of the month. In fact, Meat Puppet, here is some information that your boss will later declare: We will get to the end of the month of Cheshvan without incident.

There. Written in blood, stone, and steel on October 30, 2022. Check with me after sunset on Thanksgiving, and we can do a fact-check comparison of our notes. Who is true and who is false is continually proven by the passage of time. For real. Call me. Dr. Tim Ranney has my number.

“We understand Cheshvan. We understand the time we’re in.”

If Duping Dave, Meat Puppet, and Meat Shield actually understood Cheshvan, he would not be at the front of the room spinning Damage Control. They do not understand anything. Each time they say, “Now, we understand,” it only highlights the fact they did not the day before. All that was taught in the past was garbage because “now” they understand. Uh-huh…

The time RCG is in is a time of darkness. A time of deceit and villainy. A time of love waxing cold. A time of uncaring harshness. A time of foolishness and lies. A time of wickedness and evil.

“We understand and have confidence in what we’re about to embark on.”

If Puppet Master Pack were "confident," then this "Silly Comment" would not be released. God's word stands. Dave preaches God's word correctly. Therefore, it will happen as taught. Unless the Spirit of God is not moving David C. Pack to teach all this. That should be cause for concern.

This “confidence” remark reminds me of the Mr. Behrer recording that went live last week. Listen to it again and hear Dave’s “confidence” about getting that Common from a lay member.

DCP: …I stress this, Bill, the only way to do that is, "This is me talking to you, Jim. I know I'm a minister, and I'm your boss, but I'm a friend, too. I'm just telling you, don't go away thinking Mr. Pack doubts you. He has no doubt. He's absolutely adamant you're gonna come to see this…Mr. Pack doesn't doubt you.

The words of David C. Pack mean the opposite of what he says. The comments from Meat Puppet should be taken the same way. The more "confidence” they assert, the more worried they really are.

The RCG fall offerings fell short of projections. There is panic at Headquarters. The enablers are hoping and praying that Jesus Christ does return soon or drastic changes are afoot.

“There’s no reason to abandon any of that if we get even past Halloween, for instance.”
[Long pause]

IF instead of WILL. Meat Puppet knows nothing will happen by Monday night. He knows it but injects it as another soft landing into failure and disappointment. Dave made such a big deal recently about how God despises Halloween. It looks like God is allowing the kids to trick-or-treat at least one last time before He smites those little satan-loving heathens.

If the true God were as cruel as Dave teaches Him to be, then god would make all the candy disappear the next morning. If I leave my window open Monday night, I will wake up to the howls of horror echoing throughout Wadsworth.

The screams will be louder than the annual Jimmy Kimmel Halloween “I ate your candy” bit.

Dave will drink deep the tears of infinite sadness and rejoice in their anguish. Just like Peter or Paul would do.

There was a significant pause after the sentence. What was going through Jim’s mind? Did he realize he lied a little bit? He knows that Dave has already walked away from a Halloween arrival double-time.

Since Meat Puppet is a lifeless toy operating under the control of a false apostle, he is forbidden from telling the truth and letting people know straight up Jesus Christ is not going to knock on their door Monday night.

The "ministers" inside The Restored Church of God Headquarters are not to be trusted. They have compromised and violated their consciences so much that even the hot iron is worn out.

“We’re right on track, brethren.”

This is the one sentence that still gives me a visceral reaction. The people who leave RCG remark how insulting that statement is, especially repeated Ad nauseam. It does not help. It does not mean anything. And it is a lie.

The wise and still-conscious understand that "right on track" is RCG-speak for "Eff you!"

If RCG were "right on track," Jesus Christ would have returned at 10:56 am on Tuesday, October 25. Instead, a Meat Puppet lies to the entire church. And that is what James E. Habboush did. He lied to the members of The Restored Church of God. A "minister" of Jesus Christ spinning Damage Control during a holy convocation so that a false apostle can be comforted by verbal pillows.

“Let’s be confident of what God is about to use us to do.”
[Fake smile]


If God were about to do something with RCG, it is not in the way they expect.

May God have mercy on these faithless hirelings that care not for the sheep. That make merchandise of the brethren. That feed themselves off the fat and hold themselves not guilty. Ravening wolves which arose from among them. A den of thieves spewing words of poison. Vile compromising enablers.

Led by a hypocritical apostle who cannot bother to show up to Services during the Feast. A vain, arrogant man filled with his own self-importance that is so miserable he makes those around him miserable. No humility. No remorse. No shame. Teachers acquire the greater judgment.

God have mercy on the lot of them in Wadsworth, Ohio.

PS - Raymond, RCG is becoming PCG. Your eyes and ears do not deceive you. Trust the sickening sting in your gut. Get out while you still can.

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