The Restored Church of God & David C. Pack EXPOSED

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The Great Thanksgiving Letdown

November 25, 2022 | by Marc Cebrian

You cannot see things in life until you are ready to see them.

That girlfriend who is not right for you even though your close friends and parents see it. That high-risk investment which seems too good to be true that advisors warn against. The pricey idyllic house that could require a lot of work. The wife that has been acting distant and on the phone a lot more with a “friend” recently.

Being blind to what is right in front of you has nothing to do with intelligence, stubbornness, or being gullible. The mind blinds you to the plain facts you do not want to accept. We do not do this on purpose, but we have all fallen victim to it.

Contrary to the seven hours and forty minutes of “biblical knowledge” this past month, Elijah was not raised, billions of people were not resurrected, and Jesus Christ did not return the Kingdom to Israel on Thanksgiving, November 24.

This is the Great RCG Thanksgiving Letdown of 2022. The Grand Poobah of holiday failures blew up an entire month's worth of God-breathed revelation by His servant and ministry.

The beginning of Kislev 1 at sunset Jerusalem time produced nothing. The beginning of Kislev 1 at sunset in Wadsworth produced nothing. Nothing biblical will happen on Kislev 1 today. All over the world. Nothing biblical will happen.

While families across the United States were gathering together for a grateful meal celebrating the blessings God has given them (and maybe indulging in the sin of football), David C. Pack and his fraud co-conspirators were conjuring the latest breakout from the prison of reality.

Another Pathetic Update was gifted to The Restored Church of God members yesterday.

Prophecy Update - Thursday, November 24, 2022

Brethren, more has come to light, showing it is very likely we can get through Thanksgiving and even into the month of Kislev. This puts our watch day-to-day, which always leaves us more comfortable. We know this much, it can’t go past the half-way mark in Kislev. Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

Beginning in March 2020, I started saving Member Services postings. By this point, I was fed up with Dave and his prophetic malarkey, but I was getting increasingly annoyed with the garbage posted for the brethren in between Dave's verbal flatulence fits.

Until then, I had not given them a thought one second after reading them. You “filter out” these announcements and urgent updates due to their repetitive nature. They all blurred together and lasted as long as vapor.

If I had not saved what I have, I would not have picked up on the pattern they still exhibit over two years later. After reviewing some this morning, it became clear that RCG Member Services is actually Damage Control Central.

It is incredible what you can see when you allow yourself. The text was always there, but it now can be understood with “clarity.”

Those attending RCG in the spring of 2020 will remember the continual chaos around Christ coming at Passover. The Rollercoaster this month has NOTHING on Passover 2020. There were eight updates in April pre and post-Days of Unleavened Bread. Some of them were pretty lengthy. Jam-packed with "proofs" making a "strong case" that the Headquarters ministry finally had it all nailed down.

Before examining yesterday’s joke, stroll down Memory Lane for a taste of what the brethren had to endure back then. The exact words, just a different date.

These are small samples of the yellow parts from each posting.

Listen to the Messages Right Away! – March 31, 2020

Keep watching! Based on all we can “forecast,” another Sabbath this side of the Return of Christ, does not appear to be on the horizon. None of the ministers here at Headquarters can see it. One look around the nation and the world makes this impossible.

Do Not Miss Tomorrow’s Sermon! – April 3, 2020

The series is not over! You will not want to miss what we clearly understand to be the final message. This 11th-hour understanding—while mind-blowing—will also prove to be very familiar.

Brethren, we have been part of an incredible prophetic journey that is reaching its end.

Watch to the Very End… – April 6, 2020

The P. S. stressed the certainty of Passover—even more proofs were found since then!

This has proven truer than we could have known.

If you are deeply convicted on all the Passover proofs and that Christ comes BEFORE Passover, you are left with one choice—Tuesday!

Our Historic Passover Watch Continues! – April 7, 2020

By now it is clear God wanted at least some of us to keep the Passover.

Would Christ really return before His day (Passover)? The answer that perhaps should have been evident is a resounding no!

Brethren, let us say it plainly: NOTHING will happen before all have taken the Passover—nothing even can!

Keep Watching! – April 8, 2020

With the rising of the sun, the new day brings new clarity. The case for Christ’s return today is even stronger than what we had last night.

Again—Our Watch Continues! – April 8, 2020

It appears it has always been God’s plan to have us wait, wait and wait yet a little longer to the very end! Faithful watching is very important to Him.

The proofs for Passover continue to pile up.

We are learning at an extremely rapid rate. In fact, there are now over 110 Passover proofs!

Continue to watch and wait. How privileged we are to understand so much about what God is doing—and when He plans to do it.

The Last Day of Passover—Finally Understood! – April 13, 2020

Parts 247 and 248 explained that our watch could continue even to the Last Day of Unleavened Bread. Brethren, suffice to say, it will!

Brethren, echoing the last announcement, the case for Passover—now the last day of Passover—is so strong that none of us could imagine moving beyond it.

Stay Alert and Be Encouraged! – April 24, 2020 

Mr. Pack and the Headquarters ministry met throughout the day to discuss what is just ahead. It became evident that, even if we made it into Iyar, the thought of waiting until next year is still an impossibility.

We at Headquarters are inspired and encouraged by all God continues to reveal.

Take Comfort—Be Encouraged – April 27, 2020

It is now evident God did want us to “observe” all the remaining days of Abib following Passover.

Brethren, it should give us great peace knowing Christ could literally return at any time. Let us continue to do our part and remain spiritually awake until the “day and hour” we all long for!

Dave and Company were lying to us then, and they are lying to us now. None of what was written ever came to pass. I could see it, but not yet fully. It took me another year before I was able to leave RCG.

Brethren still there are trapped in the same place. They are in various stages of seeing what is right in front of them. It is not because they are stupid or weak, or lazy. God knows it takes a while for people to wake up. Recognizing that God is not working in the church and not guiding the ministry is a bitter pill to swallow.

But more are waking up. I have the emails to prove it.

“…more has come to light…”

There is only darkness coming out of The Restored Church of God today. Darkness is what David C. Pack preaches. Prophetic fraud. Biblical ignorance. Deceit. Foolishness.

There is no light coming to any of the hireling enablers at Headquarters.

Bradford Schleifer
Edward Winkfield
Ryan Denee
Kenneth Orel
Timothy Ranney
Jaco Viljoen
Carl Houk
Andrew Holcombe
James Habboush
Salasi Jezhi
Frank Lydick
Raymond Garb (Get out while you still can. You have fallen back into PCG thinking.)

God is not guiding David C. Pack to teach "The Greatest Unending Story!" Series. David C. Pack is not all throughout your Bible, though there are verses that absolutely apply to him. Just not in the way he thinks.

2 Timothy 3:7
Ever learning, but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Ephesians 4:14
…tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men, cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive.

“…very likely we can get through Thanksgiving…”

This is an unimpressive read on a Friday morning over coffee.

It is very likely David C. Pack will deliver Part 406.

It is very likely David C. Pack will fail prophetically in perpetuity.

It is very likely that an antichrist serpent more wicked (almost) than the devil will be proven correct, and God's Apostle/Elijah-Elect will be proven wrong.

It is very likely that a non-prophet/non-psychic will appear real because David C. Pack is as predictable as the sunrise. All former RCG brethren possess this superpower.

It is very likely more people will depart from RCG this week. Oops. I should have written "very certain."

“…it can’t go past the half-way mark in Kislev…”

So, this is the next play. As it has been this year. The full moon. The new moon. The first of the month. The fifteenth of the month. If not last month, then this month. If not this month, then next month.

On and on and on and on and on it goes. Save the archival quotes from Passover, as Dave will need to copy-and-paste them this spring. Consider that very likely, too.

This is a soft date-set with a new line in the sand. All his 30-day hot air turned cold.

Kislev 15 is December 9 for all you heathens out there. It turns another Dave quote into ash.

Part 403 – November 5, 2022
@ 01:51 Now, more than ever, I can tell you this: Salvation will come in November 2022.

David C. Pack is not a man of his word. He is a caver. He is not a closer. He cannot deliver. His bark is worse than his bite. His assurances mean nothing to him and should mean nothing to you.

History shows these Prophecy Updates are Damage Control. They are mind manipulation designed to keep brethren from seeing what is happening right in front of them.

Do you want to guess who has to stand in front of the whole church on Saturday to deliver "Special Comments," reassuring brethren they are still on track and all is well?

Dave will very likely be in hiding for a few days. And Ryan very likely passed the gravy.

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