Get Out of Jail Free Card

March 14, 2023 | by Marc Cebrian


David C. Pack re-introduced Esther and Purim after a four-year hiatus to the brethren of The Restored Church of God during “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 425)” on March 4, 2023. Part 425 was the appetizer, but Part 426 was the main course.

  That was only ten days ago, but it is an entire church era in the RCG prophetic landscape. The frequency at which biblical teachings are born and die requires measuring in mayfly years since dogs age too slowly.

  Maybe Monday. Maybe Tuesday. Maybe Friday morning. But Purim came and went.

  All that toil was for nothing. David C. Pack grasps the wind while the Headquarters hirelings kiss his ring. This is “the work” of The Restored Church of God.

  Manage your expectations by not anticipating the arrival of the Kingdom of Dave before Friday, March 17. Nothing will happen. Wait for a Pathetic Update to be issued saying the same.

David C. Pack injects the brethren with false doctrines far beyond just being "biblical knowledge.” His infection attacks the core of their hearts and minds. He corrupts the god they serve and the Bible they read. Neither can be trusted.

  Since Dave’s god intentionally put grossly-mistranslated verses in the Bible as a ruse to expose the faithless and impatient among them, the brethren are desperate to cleave to a mighty man they can trust.

  As it just so happens, David C. Pack is here to save them. As he has been setting himself up to do.

  Elijah hit the biblical lotto by being mentioned in the Bible nearly as much as Jesus Christ. As a lucky break for RCG members, David C. Pack also just so happens to be Elijah.

“No need to prove all things. I got this covered.”

  By the grace of Dave’s god, he self-identifies where he appears in the Bible. The 12 Rules of Effective Bible Study are only for those outside the organization, just like the outdated literature.

  This could be the RCG slogan:

“Believe me. Don’t believe your Bible.”

  When god and the Bible falter, David C. Pack is here to make it plain. The Pester General of The Restored Church of Another god is the only man on earth who can adequately discern the Scriptures to teach people what god is really saying.

  But do not give him too much credit, brethren. After all, he is merely a passenger of the ship alongside you, not the captain forging full steam ahead directly into the iceberg.

After writing an article and commenting in an interview with Dawn Blue that the Man of Sin sits in the Temple of God and “nobody sits more than David C. Pack,” he has not been seated at the table. Even once.

  Part 397 on October 1, 2022, was the last time we saw him preach sitting. This is significant because he sat during weekday Bible studies for years. He sat during after-meal Bible studies for years. But not once since October 2022. Interesting.

  It is as if he is going out of his way to NOT fulfill prophecy. But at other times, he goes out of his way to prove he DOES.

Flashback Part 170 – April 10, 2019
@ 1:11:18 A prophecy was fulfilled last night…I tell you, on God's authority, it happened.

Flashback Part 187 –  June 21, 2019
@ 1:15:40 “…in the latter days, you shall consider it.” That’s a prophecy being fulfilled in this room right now.

Flashback Part 269 – October 3, 2020
@ 18:54 And God showed me a series of absolutely stunning points that proved a great prophecy was fulfilled.

  In the past few weeks, the arrival of the Kingdom of Dave has depended upon David C. Pack speaking. The 1335 of Daniel 12:12 was only for him. And when he talked the next day, it was prophetic. The fact he spoke just before Purim was prophetic. The fact he talked before the Sabbath last week was prophetic.

  The moad everyone is waiting for is triggered by David C. Pack opening his mouth.

  It is also prophetic when he doodies in the toilet and not in his pants…but that is beside the point.

  Dave teaches RCG is waiting for him to “call out the final message” before Jesus Christ can return the kingdom to Israel. David C. Pack is an all-important element in the Plan of God.

  This is a narcissist’s wet dream.

During Part 425, the word “prophesy” was redefined. Forget reading Strong’s Concordance or any Bible dictionary because no other man is authorized to clarify what that word actually means.

  On March 4, 2023, David C. Pack issued his most excellent Get Out Of Jail Free Card” yet.


Part 425 – March 4, 2023
@ 00:47 How can I possibly be described by God as prophesying if I am not, have not, were not receiving the words from His mouth directly? How could that be? Turn over to Daniel chapter 10, and I'm gonna show you one of the most encouraging things I ever discovered in the Bible. Very comforting to me, and I think it will be to you. We know that prophesying can mean “inspired preaching," and so could it be that it's actually prophesying and by inspired preaching in a way that Daniel will reveal.

  He found a biblical loophole in Daniel and jumped right through it.

@ 02:38 But, somehow, everything that was explained all through the long 45-verse chapter 11 and 12…is found in the Bible already. The entire Series did (and we learned) can come from God’s word already recorded in “the Scripture of Truth” without an oracle from God or Christ or Gabriel or Michael or anyone else.

  He concludes that reading from the Bible is to “prophesy” and does not require divine guidance. David C. Pack just took the “inspired” out of “inspired preaching.” Catholics and Protestants around the world are rejoicing.

  The greatest and most immediate implication of this new knowledge is chilling:

“I am NOT a false prophet!”

When you connect the dots he refuses to, that is the conclusion he wants the members of RCG to make. He is not a false prophet falsely prophesying…he is just reading what the Bible says. All criticisms and doubt can now be deflected because of Daniel 10.

@ 03:47 But I did not need an oracle or a revelation. I was simply noting what was already in the biblical record in a way that had never been done before. That’s all it was.

  The word “prophesy” went from "uttering a prophecy of God" to a watered-down “inspired preaching” to a simply neutered “reading from the Bible.”

  “The Greatest Simply Noting The Biblical Record! (Part 425)” is groundbreaking.

  Of course, Dave was encouraged by this because he had a guilty conscience, which helped him find a way to get off the hook. His desperately wicked nature found a loophole, as all carnal minds long to do. Like an adulterer who anguishes over finding a way to alleviate the shame to unburden themselves without actually confessing to their spouse. Actions without consequences are RCG way.

  How can we ALL know Dave’s heart in this matter? Because his own words have said it.

“…one of the most encouraging things I ever discovered in the Bible.”

How is uninspired, God-absent prophesying “encouraging” to him unless he knew he was in the wrong?

  David C. Pack knows he is a fraud. He knows he is a false apostle and a false prophet. He would not spend time defusing the argument otherwise. He would blow it off rather than insert it as an unrelated point at the start of his message.

  The man only talks about what is important to him. Countering legitimate observations about his preaching is important to him. Inoculating the brethren from reasonable conclusions is important to him.

  He needs to convince himself that he is a servant of God. Even when ALL the evidence points out that he is not.

As of Part 425, nobody can ever be called a false prophet who falsely prophesied, claiming God's authority after physical reality proves them to be false. There is no way to judge between a false prophet and a true one because BOTH can be in error about the return of Jesus Christ.

  This is a spectacular Get Out Of Jail Free Card for every nutcase in the world. The street corner preacher holding a cardboard sign that the SVB collapse is a sign of doom is just as legitimate as a guy at a wooden lectern wearing a suit. Neither one is truly false. They are only teaching what the Bible already says.

  Dave looked for an out, and he found one. He no longer needs to worry about what the Bible says about false prophets. He no longer needs to worry about what HE said about false prophets.

  I wonder if he will publicly apologize to Gerald Flurry for all the times he called him a blasphemer and antichrist. The man is now innocent of being a false prophet and a false That Prophet because Old Gerry was just preachin’ what the Bible says.

  The ironic part of all of this is that Dave does not realize just how inspired his preaching actually is. Latching onto his mental illnesses, dark spirits have motivated him for quite some time.

  That is the nature of deceiving while being deceived. Which is what the Bible already says.

@ 04:02 You’re all living proof that you can have the complete picture without me ever receiving a vision or hearing a voice from heaven, even once.

  That is totally true because I say so. Ignore all the verses that refute this because…whatever.

  The members of The Restored Church of God are all living proof that people will sit and listen to anything spoken by anyone, regardless of how fraudulent those teachings have proven to be 100% of the time. And now, with this Greatest Loophole, Dave can get away with ANYTHING. Forever.

  That Card has real power. He can always be wrong about when Jesus Christ returns and never be a lying blasphemer. He gets the best of both worlds and retains his status at the top of the food chain.

  Brethren, if you continue to doubt him, well then, you do not believe the Scriptures of Truth. You disbelieve your Bible. You got an attitude problem there. You better repent of that and write another check, or you will not go first into the Kingdom of Dave.

@ 18:30 So, I find very comforting some of those quick examples of how we have let the Scripture of Truth guide us. I did not need a voice.

Why would Dave need God when he has himself? He has need of nothing. He is like the Most High now. He can prophesy as Elijah the Prophet while being utterly wrong and still retain his authority. Is RCG a fantastic place, or what?

It was comforting because he was uncomfortable. It was encouraging because he was discouraged. Why? Because he knows what you and I know. The man is a walking biblical fraud.

This is not the first attempt of RCG’s Angel of Light to distance himself from what the Bible exposes him to be by using distortion and deception.

  During Parts 373 and 374 in June 2022, he claimed he was “telling, not foretelling.” This was a direct response to the breaking Dawn Blue interviews WCTV in Wadsworth released.

  In Part 375, he “demystified the office of Prophet.”

  In Part 389, he removed “the mystery of what it means to be Elijah.” Elijah is only a “title.”

  In each incremental step, David C. Pack removed God from being a factor in prophesying and being a prophet. He made those academic. In effect, he is taking an atheistic approach.

  If you can be a prophet without God giving you direct guidance, and you can prophesy without direct guidance, what else in the Bible does not require God?

  The implication of his Get Out Of Jail Free Card is there is no such thing as a false prophet. They are just mistaken. There are no consequences for falsely prophesying anymore because they simply explained what "is found in the Bible already."

  To follow this logic, if being a prophet and prophesying does not require God to give directions, what do you call someone who DOES get instructions in a vision or a voice? Must we lump them together?

  Group A all prophesied as prophets without hearing God.

  Group B all prophesied as prophets directly from God.

  Both are equal, according to Dave. He does not say that, but that is what it means.

As of Part 425, there is no way to judge a true prophet from a false one. Both can set dates and fail while still retaining the legitimacy of being faithful ministers of Jesus Christ.

  If I were the devil, I would want Dave to teach that. He took God out of prophets prophesying and made inspired preaching Richard Dawkins-friendly. After all, it is just a history book.

  David C. Pack issued himself a Get Out Of Jail Free Card that will live in his wallet. He may want to have it laminated because it will need to be pulled out a lot. It works in the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium. It works in his kitchen. It works at the lectern. It works in the hallway. It works at the urinal. It works on the interwebs.

  David C. Pack is now above skepticism and reproach. He is not a false prophet, folks. He is not falsely prophesying. He is just teaching what the Bible says. Easy-peasy.

  Private interpretation has officially become inspired preaching in The Restored Church of God.


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