Demons or Dementia?

March 9, 2023 | by Marc Cebrian


David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God changed the game after three days to undo his declarations about Esther’s Purim Fast. During “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 427)” on March 7, 2023, Purim was merely a guide toward the Kingdom to Israel on March 10.

  Though it was a shorter message, Part 427 was rife with nonsense and absurdities.

Part 427 – March 7, 2023
@ 15:58 God uses the Sabbath. It’s the exact moment that the Sabbath starts to designate to {me} this one man who needed to understand it, that {I} he was blessed. That was the beginning of the 4th of Adar. There’s no other way to count that.

  Dave goes through a short list of points proving we are out of time. One of the signals is worsening world conditions. Sans the Basil Wolverton illustrations.

@ 43:37 He [God] would hafta make certain that he (this servant) and all brethren knew the biblically described prevailing world conditions had unmistakably arrived. They would have to know that.

@ 40:26 He [God] would have to eliminate any possibility of more years…He’d have to give us a series of metrics. I just gave you one.

  One of Dave’s examples of how things cannot get worse is citing precious metals investment commercials. That is not a joke.

@ 36:35 You know, I would read [Isaiah 2:20], and I would understand, Why does God talk about people throw their gold and their silver to the bats in the caves at the end?...Well, watch television. Everybody says, “Invest in gold and silver.”

One of his significant proofs that the Kingdom of Dave has to start this week is the timing of the 1335 of Daniel 12:12. This began at sunset in Jerusalem on February 24, at 10:43 AM ET. It points to each biblical occurrence from here on out as starting on a Sabbath. And that verse only applies to David C. Pack.

  Then, he hones his Master Class skills as a gaslighting extraordinaire.

@ 40:43 The 1335 is another one…You couldn’t ask me or you to believe the 1335 in any other year with faith and confidence if it came and went. You could hope it. You could never believe it again. You could never know…since it’s talking to one man, I could never know.

  He says this as if he had never said it before. Is this a calculated deception, or does David C. Pack suffer from acute and specific amnesia?

  That statement exemplifies willful, calculated gaslighting or involuntary blindness of staggering proportions. He either has a medical condition, or he is a liar.

  He said this recently, and I saw it as pure denial:

Part 422 – February 18, 2023
@ 02:25 Imagine yourself waiting another year and another year and another year and another and another.

  Nobody in The Restored Church of God needs to imagine this. They live it. This is a summary of the past seven years. So, why would he say that? Does he not know what everyone else in the room does?

Is Grandpa Dave more far gone than we know?

  I often ponder whether or not Dave believes what he says. I have had many phone calls with former members and ministers chewing over this topic. Dennis knows what I speak of.

  I wrestle with this. On the one hand, the man is a bald-faced liar. On the other hand, maybe he just forgets what he says the moment it leaves his lips. If that were true, what could possibly cause that?

A condition characterized by the inability of a person to recall facts or previous experiences.
Inability to remember past events or activities
Inability to learn new information
Confabulation: Generation of a false memory without the intention of deceit.


Alzheimer’s Disease
The most common cause of dementia. A gradual decline in memory, thinking, behavior, and social skills.

Repeat statements and questions over and over.
Forget conversations, appointments, or events.
Have trouble finding the right words for objects, expressing thoughts, or taking part in conversations.

A term used to describe a group of symptoms affecting memory, thinking, and social abilities severely enough to interfere with your daily life.

Cognitive Changes
Memory loss, which is usually noticed by someone else
Difficulty communicating or finding words
Difficulty reasoning or problem-solving

Psychological Changes

  Is David C. Pack a perpetrator, or is he a victim?

  The man is a blend of all three with a host of other mental illnesses previously covered. His continual disconnect from reality is compounded by a chronic denial of recent history.

  A physiological medical cause would be the best-case scenario for him. However, I fear for the man because I believe the origin of his mental state is spiritually based. Dark forces influence David C. Pack in ways he cannot see, and the Headquarters enablers are too cowardly and compromised to address despite the overwhelming evidence.

  Remove every word in every article I have written and only leave the comments of David C. Pack, and there is still enough proof and metrics to make the case.

My dad used to tell me that every time I turned the light on and off it cost him 10 cents. When I was angry, I would flip it as fast as possible for about a minute.

  Randall Pack must not have taught Dave this while he was learning to doodie in the toilet. The 1335 of Daniel is a light switch Dave keeps flicking on and off, caring nothing about the mental and spiritual cost for the brethren.

Part 296 – March 17, 2021
@ 05:52 What did it mean that we were blessed when we reached the 1335 days? Which is now 40 days ago tonight, putting us at about 1295…Obviously, the Kingdom didn’t come…It meant we reached a divine, call it, “mathematical rubric…”


Part 373 – June 7, 2022
@ 1:17:11 …there is a group that gets to the 1335…That would be about midday next Tuesday. If it’s this month.


Part 381 – July 9, 2022
@ 01:18 First, if something happens between now and the 1335, which is Wednesday, then it does.


Part 387 – August 15, 2022
@ 04:29 You’re blessed if you got to a day, not a Coming…It's called the 1335. In other words, if you made it to 45 days before Trumpets in the year of application, then you're blessed. You're settled. And that was over four days ago.


Part 391 – September 3, 2022
@ 1:05:58 Now, let's talk about 1335 and why 1335 matches Elul 15.


Part 392 – September 10, 2022
@ 48:39 The 1335. Is this really a known date? Is that really today? Are we in the 1335 today? Or did I presume something coming off of Elul 15 and Artaxerxes’ decree…


Part 394 – September 24, 2022
@ 37:20 So, you have to accept that we are piercing and waiting to the 1335, which, on God’s authority, has to be Trumpets…

@ 39:15 So, you’re blessed when you get to a day. At 11:33 tomorrow, you’ve made it. That doesn’t mean you receive eternal life. But you're not gonna wait 15 days to find out, "Oh, I guess we were blessed back there a couple weeks ago." That was always ridiculous.

Part 396 – October 1, 2022
@ 1:48:04 We are not seeking the 1335. A hundred billion people will be.

Part 402 – October 25, 2022
@ 1:27:01 God’s will has been done. You made it to the 1335. The pledge is made on the, dare I say? The correct 1335.

Part 403 – November 11, 2022
@ 1:17:18 We have not hit the 1335. It does not apply to us.


Part 406 – November 26, 2022
@ 43:26 I looked at this at different times. Back in Elul, August. And then September and October, and I'm trying to figure out what is this 1335. You’ve been on the train.


Part 407 – November 30, 2022
@ 1:26:59  I’m just trying to give you more ways to understand the 1335 is a lock as sure as 15 days after it on Christmas is a lock.

Part 409 – December 10, 2022
@ 45:08 If we understand the 1335 correctly, it’s now set. It’s certain. It’s just which day in the next three or so.


Part 411 – December 24, 2022
@ 55:58 The 1335 is not what we are waiting for, and it's spectacular news for all of you to understand.

Part 417 – February 2, 2023
@ 19:37 What you’re gonna hear absolutely confirms in every way that the 1335, now over a week behind us, is in play. There’re a bunch of things that are gonna come together here, and they're all exciting.

Part 422 – February 18, 2023
@ 01:13 What if we learned the 1335, and that Adar begins the Kingdom to Israel, and that Abib 1 begins the Kingdom of God years ago?...They’re a package deal. Those three things: The 1335, Adar, and Abib 1.

Part 423 – February 25, 2023
@ 39:32 We’ve got this thing called the 1335. It does not count back from Abib 1…You’ve got to count back from Iyar. You’ve got to. It’s impossible not to.
@ 40:03 It just so happens, that was yesterday morning at 10:30. And it became a much bigger and important signal to me, personally, since I was the only one correctly waiting for it.

  Today is March 9. The following statement that started us off was made two days ago. TWO. DAYS. AGO.

Part 427 – March 7, 2023
@ 40:47 You couldn’t ask me or you to believe the 1335 in any other year with faith and confidence if it came and went. You could hope it. You could never believe it again.

  Dave made my point. As he has done before.

Part 398 – October 10, 2022
@ 24:24 So, once you know the 1335, you could never know in any future year once you hit it if it were true…It has to apply this year, or it's not a metric. There’s no point in telling us that. If it doesn’t apply this year, then next year, you cannot know the divine pledge of something that’s coming in “yet a little while.” You could hope it was, but you could have no faith that it is in any future year. It only works in the first year of application. After that, hope–yes. Faith–no.

Did David C. Pack simply FORGET he said all of this?

There is biblical precedence for what is occurring with him and The Restored Church of Another god. This all fits the Bible pattern. And warnings.

  Since I am neither an atheist nor agnostic, the likelihood of demons at work seems to be the most plausible explanation. Everything would make perfect sense. Hand in glove.

  I understand why non-believers would say, “The man is just a dick.” They would not be wrong. However, I do not have that same luxury to dismiss what is happening in Wadsworth as simply “power run amok among religious kooks.”

  While examining the words of David C. Pack, the Bible comes alive. The verses pop off the page. He helps me see the Bible in a way I never would have otherwise.

  One verse Paul wrote snaps into focus.

2 Timothy 3:13
But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

  I did not understand how a deceiver was also being deceived at the same time. While considering David C. Pack, I now do. He is being deceived into believing he is Elijah That Prophet, and the Seventh Angel, which gives him the ability to deceive the brethren that The Kingdom to Israel will begin at sunset on Friday.

  I know this will not happen. You know this will not happen. The Headquarters hirelings know this will not happen. But I also think David C. Pack knows this will not happen.

  When Friday fails, should we call it a mistake, or should we call it a lie?

  Only God can stop what is happening inside The Restored Church of God. I shudder to think how this will end. It will be a sobering day of trembling for those who witness what befalls David C. Pack and the pathetic enablers at Headquarters. Will it be like Saul? Will it be like Herod? Will it be like Achan?

  Regardless of the root cause for his words, David C. Pack is a blaspheming liar.

  Do not take my word for it. Take his.

Part 211 – October 24, 2019
@ 32:50 God didn't want this message given until the very end, or prophecy would have been broken. His word would have been broken.


A Servant Knows


Purim Kaput